Epping Primary School

01992 572408

Latest Newsletter

Welcome to our latest newsletter online.

Although not quite as stylish as our standard newsletter it contains the same text and can be translated into any language using the Select Language button at the top right of the page.



News from the Headteacher

Despite all the exciting learning taking place over the last month as highlighted in this newsletter, like Dinosaur Workshops, school trips, Dance Workshops etc the pupils were probably most excited about a ‘real live’ Epping Forest Council refuse lorry which made a special visit to our actual playground!  This enormous vehicle stretching across most of our hard surface play area, to share the winning design created by Ava (Y6 – Alder).  On the day we had the event organiser as well as Councillor Will Breare Hall visit who was responsible for selecting the final winning design.  The entire school got to see the lorry close up and we had a whole school photo taken on the playground.  What an experience!  Please see our school website for this amazing photo, capturing this exciting visit.  Wishing you all a good half term break.

Absence Reporting

If your child is going to be absent you MUST let the office know by 9.00 am via phone, answerphone, ParentMail or direct at the office, on the first day of absence (do not just tell your child’s Teacher – you must inform the office as well). If the absence is for a medical appointment we need to see a letter from the hospital or a doctor/dentist appointment card etc.  If your child is off longer than one day please ring on alternate days to keep us updated.  After 5 days you may be required to provide medical evidence of their absence.

International Dance Day

The pupils celebrated International Dance Day on 27th April.  Over the course of the week each class learnt a dance from a different culture/country to perform in front of their Key Stage.  They also gathered information about that country which was shared during the performance.  The pupils really enjoyed the experience and we had some amazing routines including Hawaiian, Greek, Spanish, Ukrainian and Indian dancing.

Year 6 The Globe Theatre

Year 6 pupils were very happy to visit the Shakespearean theatre 'The Globe' after a long week of SATs testing in school. They travelled to London by tube and after a quick snack in St Paul's gardens, marched over the Millennium Bridge and walked down to sketch the Golden Hind. After lunch they were given a tour of The Globe Theatre before attending a workshop and practising their drama skills! All Year 6 pupils really enjoyed this trip.

Year 4 Performance

(Written by Adam and Lucy – Year 4) There were lots of different characters such as Sally, Ben, Mark, Jenny, Uncle Crumble and a lot more.  We had a lot of fun learning the dances and songs over a few weeks.  Everyone remembered their lines.  We had a lot of rehearsals but we only had 3 different audiences.  We started off with our Teachers reading the scripts and then we read them over the Easter holidays – after our auditions.  Once we had come back we split into our different scenes and rehearsed them with our scripts.  The next week we had to practice without our scripts!  After our last rehearsal the performance became fantastic and we were ready for our first audience.

Year 4 Museum of Childhood

(Written by Ollie and John-Paul – Year 4). When we got off the train at Bethnal Green Station we walked with our groups to the Museum of Childhood.  When we got inside the Museum we put our coats and bags into a tub.  Then we went to a puppets workshop.  We learnt about shadow puppets from Japan, China, Indonesia, Victorian set-up stage puppet shows and the stories of the Arabian Nights.  Then we walked to our tables and got our bags for lunch.  After lunch we went to have a look around the actual museum and had a go on rocking horses, a 1970s Robot, magnets and old iPads etc.  After we had finished we got our bags and coats and walkedback to the station.

Perform Drama Group

On 22nd and 23rd of May the drama/dance company 'Perform' came in to school to lead a dance workshop based around the classic novel 'Alice in Wonderland'. The pupils were taught some different dance moves and then choreographed and performed their own group dance based on one part of the story. It was very energetic and great fun for all involved.

Year 1 Dinosaur Workshop

Year 1 pupils enjoyed the chance to become real life Palaeontologists on 16th May as they studied dinosaurs and explored fossils during their topic ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’.  They all held a baby dinosaur (fossilized inside an egg), saw a dinosaur poo fossil and learnt many facts about dinosaurs as well as sketching their favourites.

Improved Writers - Spring Term

We celebrated the progress of our pupils in writing at the end of last term by presenting the most improved writers with certificates and a small prize in assembly. Well done to:

Daniel (Oak); Ellie (Elm); Theo (Chestnut); Elsie (Beech); Harry (Hornbeam); Fynn (Poplar); Georgia (Aspen); Milo (Pine); Ryan (Cherry); Scarlett (Maple); Luc (Birch); Luke (Ash); Sophia (Alder) and Sharon (Sycamore).

Look out for future super improvement writer winners at the end of this school year.

Improved Mathematicians - Spring

We presented our first Maths awards this term. These awards were given to pupils who showed most improvement in their work over the last term.  The pupils received a certificate and a small maths prize.  A big well done to:

Teddy (Elm); Rory (Oak); Oscar (Chestnut); Chloe (Beech); Sydney (Poplar); Bea (Hornbeam);  Cerys (Aspen);  Kristen (Pine); Tom (Maple); Elsie (Cherry); Maddison (Ash); Charlotte (Birch); Maggie (Sycamore) and Raphael (Sycamore).  We look forward to giving out our next awards at the end of term.

Uniform Update/Reminder

We have updated our Uniform Policy. This now includes a revision regarding socks.  Please do not send your child into school in socks with bows on.  Socks should be plain white or grey only with no embellishments on them. This will take effect from 6th June. It has also come to our attention that some girls are wearing ‘playsuits’ – (polo shirt on top and gingham dress on bottom or polo short on top/grey shorts on bottom).  Our policy is formal white shirts, no casual polo shirts, hence no polo shirt dresses/playsuits.  Girls should only wear full purple gingham dresses, not dresses with polo tops. 

Dojo behaviours – Summer Term

This term Dojo points will be awarded for the following behaviours:


  • Hang our PE kits and coats up, keeping our cloakrooms tidy and safe
  • Persevere and work hard in class
  • Line up, walk quietly throughout the school without disturbing learning
  • Trying to sort out a problem by ourselves
  • Use excellent presentation skills in all work


  • Not listening to others in school
  • Disturbing others (learning or play)
  • Running in the building


Staffing Update

As many of you are aware Mrs Vosloo, our Inclusion Manager was expecting a baby and has now welcomed a new baby boy into her family. Many congratulations to her on this new arrival.

We have also welcomed two new Learning Mentors to our school, Mrs Yazer and Mrs Wise. We hope they are enjoying their time with us.

Sadly we have said goodbye to Mrs Haigh, a Lunchtime Supervisor and wish her well with her future plans.

Food Waste      

We are trying to make sure our food waste is recycled properly and are asking for your help in this matter. The purple bins in the playground have different stickers on them, i.e. one has pictures of fruit and vegetables on it (please only put fruit/ vegetables/food in this one); one says ‘feed me rubbish’ (this is for general rubbish – not fruit of food).  Please ensure that if you give your child a snack either before or after school they put the ‘rubbish’ in the correct bins.  Thank you.

Epping in Bloom Stones

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Epping in Bloom competition. They have now announced the winners for the Stone competition as Alice from Chestnut and the runner up was Eleanor from Elm.  All the stones submitted will be added to the garden next to Marks and Spencer.  Well done to all who entered.