Digital Champions in Y1, Y3 and Y6 - we need you!
As you may we recently asked for Digital Parent/Carer Champions to join “The Epping Primary Digital Parent/Carer Forum” (DPCF). The idea behind the group is for an improved communication system between the school and parents/carers.
Each year group will have a Digital Champion who will be the administrator of a year group WhatsApp group. The Digital Champions across the school will also form a WhatsApp group with Ms Abel. Any questions or queries that arise in the year group will hopefully be answered by the group or the Champion. If the group or Champion can’t answer, then it will come to Ms Abel.
Information or answers to questions can then be disseminated by the Champion to the whole group or school.
We already have volunteers for YrF, Yr2, Yr4 and Yr5. Therefore, if your child is in Yr1, Yr3
or Yr6 and you are interested in representing your child’s year group as a Digital Champion please contact Ms Abel via the school office or fill out the form on the letter below and hand it to your Class Teacher.
For more information please see Ms Abel's letter below: